These are questions to aid in the discussion of the book Conversion by Micheal Lawrence.
Chapter 1
1. What are the three assumptions of being a “nice”person? (pg 19)
2. What does Jesus say about the necessity of being born again in John 3?
3. What five truths demonstrate the necessity of being made new? (pg 24).
4. Why does the doctrine of regeneration matter to the individual Christian? (pg 27)
5. Why does the doctrine of regeneration matter to the church? (pg 28)
Chapter 2
1. What does it mean to be dead in your sin?
2. What does it mean that we are created in his image?
3. Why are we called children of wrath?
4. From what do we need to be rescued?
5. What are we saved to and what are we saved for?
Chapter 3
1. What is repentance?
2. What is faith?
3. What role does the church have in one’s assurance of salvation? (pg.60-63)
Chapter 4
1. Does it feel burdensome to live according to the "new" nature? If so, could it mean you haven't been set apart yet?
2. In what ways can you tell that your old self is dead? Do you find it easy to submit to God as your new Master?
3. Are you daily considering yourself dead to sin and alive to God is Christ Jesus? Romans 6:11
4. Do you feel both the pull and joy of loving God and your neighbor? In what ways should you seek to grow in this area?
Chapter 5
1. What makes Christian’s so distinct from the rest of the world?
2. How can church discipline be loving to both the one confronted and to the watching world?
3. How does the love of Jesus free us to love others that may be totally different than us?
Chapter 6
1. Have you ever been tempted to veil and/or compromise the clear message of the gospel due to either fear or discouragement?
2. What would it look like practically for an ambassador of Christ to rest in the freedom of knowing he or she is not responsible for the results of someone’s conversion?
3. Can you think of someone in your life / circle of influence that Christ may be leading you to plainly & honestly proclaim the gospel with urgency and confidence?
Chapter 7
1. Who should be the primary people to confirm God’s work in our hearts? Talk through how best to encourage this to happen.
2. Do you see a growth in trust in God present in your life? If so, how?
Chapter 8
1. Lawrence says that maturity and perfect holiness are not what makes us belong to the church. Why do we belong to the church? (pg. 113)
2. What are the 5 types of people who belong in our churches because their hope is in Christ?
3. What is the one category that Paul says does not belong in the church? (pg. 116)