Grace Church Memphis
Glorify | Treasure | Spread

Foundations of Grace: Membership Mentors

Membership Mentors

Membership Mentors are Grace Church Members who walk prospective members through the Foundations of Grace booklet and videos. 2 family units will be assigned a potential member or prospective member family. Upon receiving your assignment, create a group text with all the families involved within 48 hours.

To learn more about the process, listen to the GROW series “The Manifold Wisdom of God” where the whole process is explained.

You’ll send 3 sets of text messages throughout the process:

Text Message 1:

Would you join us for dinner and discussion of Grace’s membership material: Foundations of Grace? The first week we’ll discuss session 1. The reading can be found here: . Read the material before dinner, and we’ll discuss it.

Text Message 2 (upon completing Session 1):

Would you join us for dinner and discussion of Grace’s membership material: Foundations of Grace? This time we’ll discuss session 2. The reading can be found here: . Read the material before dinner, and we’ll discuss it.

Text Message 3 (upon completing Session 2):

We’ve enjoyed our meetings over the last few weeks. The next step in church membership is to complete the member introduction form (if you haven’t yet). You can fill out the online version here: