Grace Church Memphis
Glorify | Treasure | Spread

Honest Questions

Resources for the Honest Questions GROW series.

Is Critical Race Theory (CRT) Compatible with Gospel-Wrought Righteousness?
Jim Suggs
What Are Some Wrong Ways to See Jesus in the Old Testament?

In this lesson, we looked at the dangers of subjective allegory, and untethered typology. We also noted the importance of the New Testament’s clear connections to Christ driving our interpretation of the Old Testament.

The following resources are recommended for growing in a healthy Christ-centered understanding of interpreting the OT.

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Jordan Thomas
Christian Nationalism — Good or Bad?

I do not recommend deep diving into this theme. The church's mission is not the same as the mission of individual nation-states (Matt. 28:18-20). For any who desire a primer on this theme from people who have interacted with the primary views/sources, I recommend the following items. I’ve added additional resources below the recommended resources.

This is simply a storehouse of some of the resources the elders used in preparation for our church’s Spring ‘24 “Honest Questions” GROW seminar. These resources speak to the questions/topics asked by members of Grace Church. The Grace Church elders do not endorse the views of everything contained in these resources.

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Jordan Thomas