While abusers can be male or female, statistics indicate that 1/4 of all women in the church have suffered, or are suffering, as victims of domestic abuse. Reread that sentence. Then, think about it for a moment and pray for your church family. Typically, only the victim sees the abusive episodes. Even in a household with many people, most abusers have the ability to isolate their abusive behavior toward one person without others noticing. Abusers who have finally seen the root of their sin, admit that pastors and marriage counselors can easily be controlled by their language in meetings to avoid others seeing the severity of their sin.
If you are in an abusive relationship, there is hope. You are not crazy.
If you are an abuser, you need serious help now. Your misery can end, and your sinful lifestyle can be overcome.
Church-based care
We believe God can equip local churches -- through diligent research and interactions with professionals -- to help the oppressed and to confront domestic abusers. Domestic abuse is not a normal marriage challenge, and ought not to be confronted with typical marriage counseling. The elders of Grace Church are committed to learning and applying biblical care and confrontation in cases of domestic violence.
Why this web page?
We have created this web page to serve as an entry-point for hope, help, and healing.
Are you being subjected to any of the following types of abuse? (The following information is taken from Jason Meyer's sermon, Fooled by False Leadership.)
Mental abuse is a pattern in the use of words and actions to assault, reorder, and control the thoughts and ideas of the other person for the achievement of selfish ends. The more intense and longstanding the pattern, the more destructive it is to people.
Emotional abuse is a pattern in the use of words and actions to assault, reorder, and control the emotions and affective state of the other person for the achievement of selfish ends. The more intense and longstanding the pattern, the more destructive it is to people.
Physical abuse is a pattern in the use of posture, property, and physical contact to assault, punish and control another person for the achievement of selfish ends. The more intense and longstanding the pattern, the more destructive it is to people.
Sexual abuse is related to physical violence but more centered around sexual organs, ideas, and acts. Involves the use of sexual thoughts, privileges, and acts to assault, demean, devalue, manipulate, and control the other person for the achievement of selfish ends.
Spiritual abuse would be doing any of these things in the name of Jesus and using the Bible to defend them. Abusive leadership uses physical, psychological, and emotional (and spiritual) means to be lord over others. Servant leadership uses physical, psychological, and emotional (and spiritual) means to serve others.