Grace Church Memphis
Glorify | Treasure | Spread

Global Missions

Our international missions strategy

Grace Church's international missions strategy is tethered to establishing and encouraging indigenously led local churches.

To that end, Grace Church is working in several places in the world with native leaders who share our theology and vision.


Grace Church has partnered with Reach All Nations ministries in Andra Pradesh, India for the purpose of strengthening national believers to take the gospel to the ends of the earth via gospel proclamation and healthy churches.

Southeast Asia

Grace has recently partnered with two missionaries & a church in SEA for marketplace evangelism, & encouragement.


The Lord is forging partnership for church strengthening and church-planing for Grace Church in Ecuador. Pray with us for a door for the Word through this wonderful opportunity. We are also seeking the Lord about sending families to plant a healthy church in the country of Ecuador.


Grace Church helped sponsor the planting of two churches in North Central Nigeria--one in a city context, and one in the bush. Please pray for our brothers and sisters there!

To the Ends of the Earth -- Where Next?

As a church that embraces the priesthood of the believer, and congregational polity, we are happy to affirm that He will work through the body to confirm His will. Currently, we have several members who are burdened to see Christ exalted in the Muslim world, and in Central America. We are praying for the Lord to affirm His will for us as a church in these important matters, and to help us equip those who will be sent.