What is the Lord’s Supper and why do Christian churches partake of it? Who should partake? What is the meaning and significance of the Supper? What are the consequences of partaking “in an unworthy manner?”
Read MoreShall women still wear head-coverings in church today? Why, or why not? That’s the wrong question. The issue is how shall we best reflect the glory of our All-glorious God!
Read MoreIdols of the hands are no worse than idols of the heart. God minces no words in telling us what to do with anything that seeks to usurp His rightful place of honor in the hearts of His people.
Read MoreChrist Jesus owns His people. They have joyfully surrendered all of ”their rights” to Him. This passage shows us what that looks like.
Read MoreIn Christ you are free to obey God from a heart of love. For some believers the exercise of these Christian liberties look different than other believers. But the rule for all believers is love!
Read MoreWhatever your station of life — married, single, widowed, or divorced — the Word of God shows how these relationships are to honor the Lord Jesus.
Read MoreYou are more than a glandular animal. Christ deserves preeminence in every area of your life, including your sexuality. When faced with immorality, God says “Run!”
Read MoreChristians will one day judge the whole world, including the angels. Therefore, it only stands to reason that we ought to be able to sort out grievances and lawsuits against one another. This passage shows us what God expects of churches embroiled in personal grievances.
Read MoreThe ethical behavior of the local church is supposed to emulate the holiness of heaven. Therefore, unrepentant sin cannot be tolerated among God’s people. This passage tells us what God expects His church to do with such a person in her ranks of membership.
Read MoreMany have big spiritual words. But few display true spiritual power. This passage shows us how to tell the difference and how to be filled with the power of Christ.
Read MorePraising God is the only reasonable response to seeing His glory. Astonishingly, this passage talks about God commending us!
Read MoreThe only solid ground on which to build our lives is a Person: Jesus Christ, the foundation of God’s saving plan.
Read MoreGaining wisdom depends on our submission to the All-wise Spirit of God as we prayerfully saturate our minds with His Word.
Read MoreThe Apostle Paul planted many churches, and wrote many books of the Bible, but he had only one message: Christ & Him Crucified!
Read MoreThe greatest possible display of wisdom and power are bound up in the Person of Jesus Christ.
Read MoreNo church is perfect. This passage shows us how the gospel of Jesus Christ should inform sinful schisms in the church.
Read MorePaul’s opening paragraph to the church at Corinth reveals God’s loving heart for His people through Jesus, and His commitment to bless them for eternity.
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