God's enemies will be crushed under His feet, and ours. This truth is never in jeopardy.
Read MoreTry as they might, God's enemies cannot ultimately prevail. Any attempt to overthrow God's kingdom will inevitably come back in their own demise. Even through the evil plots of men against His kingdom, God will exalt His Son.
Read MoreThe plan and promises of God are immutable, and the people of God can never perish, no matter what. This sermon shows how that truth works itself out in human history.
Read MoreEven when we cannot see it clearly, the Scriptures reveal that the fall and rise of world leaders is part of God's wise prerogative for the ultimate advance of gospel and the good of His people. This sermon shows that reality in the rise of Esther as queen.
Read MoreThis sermon aims to show from Scripture that praying together as a local church and in other groups amplifies our voices and magnifies our Mediator.
Read MoreThe enabling power for a life of prayer comes from fellowship with and dependence upon the Holy Spirit, who also intercedes for us.
Read MoreThe way to pray with conviction and confidence is to pray according to God's revealed will in His Word. This sermon aims to equip us to do just that.
Read MoreOur prayers are God-honoring to the degree they are motivated by a desire for Jesus to be glorified. This sermon is focused on helping us see from God's Word why and how to glorify Jesus in our praying.
Read MoreThis sermon aims to show that the gospel of Jesus releases us to share His love and our lives with others for Jesus' sake. Because we are accepted in the Beloved, we are free to be open-hearted with others.
Read MoreThe deep healing we all crave can only be found in Christ. This sermon text aims to expose our false hopes and provide the only lasting remedy -- the love and mercy of Jesus.
Read MoreA preeminent love to Christ is an irresistible response to the Spirit's work of pouring the Christ's love into our hearts. Those who love Him also long for His return. All who lack such love are to be accursed.
Read MoreThe gospel produces joyful generosity in every believer's heart in support of the advance of the gospel. This passage shows us how local churches are to embrace and exercise such glad-hearted giving.
Read MoreThis passage teaches us that the glorifying power of Christ’s resurrection will be applied instantaneously to every believer’s body upon His return. Until then, we are to labor for the gospel with this certain hope.
Read MoreThe climactic event of the gospel is the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. This sermon seeks to glory in Him by showing what God’s Word has to say about the benefits His people receive from union with our Risen Redeemer.
Read MoreNothing is more important news for sinners than the gospel. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. That’s what this sermon is all about.
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