Grace Church Memphis
Glorify | Treasure | Spread

Upcoming Sermons

2 Corinthians 4:7-18 | Resurrection Power

The evidence of God's power is on vivid display in the lives of His people -- who are weak, frail, jars of clay, and experience life-long afflictions...and yet, our perseverance in the faith proves that the power comes from God, not ourselves. Indeed, every affliction Christian's face is storing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond comparison.

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Grace Church
2 Corinthians 1:15-2:4 | Why Plans Change

The plans of man are subject to the will of God. We are to serve the Lord and His purposes as He allows, and to desire for our lives to be used by the Lord to elevate others' joy in Jesus. True love doesn't avoid causing necessary sorrow for others', true love is manifest in doing whatever it takes to point people to Jesus.

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Grace Church