A mark of Christian maturity is opening our heart and life to His instruction through His servants.
Read MoreRepresenting Jesus faithfully and intentionally is God's call upon all of His children.
Read MoreOur life on earth will soon give way to eternity where we will appear before the Divine Judge. Instead of shrinking back, Christ’s people “prefer” to be “absent from the body and present with the Lord.”
Read MoreThe evidence of God's power is on vivid display in the lives of His people -- who are weak, frail, jars of clay, and experience life-long afflictions...and yet, our perseverance in the faith proves that the power comes from God, not ourselves. Indeed, every affliction Christian's face is storing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond comparison.
Read MoreNothing is more attractive to a Christian than "the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ."
Read MoreBeholding the glory of Christ in the Scriptures by faith is the means God uses to conform our character to Christ's image.
Read MoreThe life of Christ is to be the fragrance of our lives at all times. Such is the evidence of a life being led by God.
Read MoreForgiveness and restoration of repentant sinners is a hallmark of true Christianity. Local churches are to exercise such grace toward any who previously abandoned obedience to Christ, but have humbly returned to Him.
Read MoreThe plans of man are subject to the will of God. We are to serve the Lord and His purposes as He allows, and to desire for our lives to be used by the Lord to elevate others' joy in Jesus. True love doesn't avoid causing necessary sorrow for others', true love is manifest in doing whatever it takes to point people to Jesus.
Read MoreWe are called to live in holiness each day in light of the soon-coming day of our Lord.
Read MoreChristians belong to "the God of all comfort" who "comforts us in all our afflictions." His comfort is made available to us in Christ, and is most accessible when we seek Him with His people, the church.
Read MoreGod in flesh. Taking our condemnation. No other religion in human history teaches that the deity died for the damned. Salvation is in Christ alone.
Read MoreThe Lord's anointed will reign and rule in righteousness forever and ever. As His people, Christ's victory is cause for remembering and celebrating.
Read MoreInstead of being exterminated from the earth, though many have tried and others will continue to try, the Lord will victoriously and triumphantly preserve His people and His testimony until glory!
Read MoreThe seemingly weak and vulnerable saints of God are called to push back the darkness of evil. This sermon shows how that battle is waged.
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